ChromaQA Software

ChromaQA Software


Techkon ChromaQA is a enterprise level color quality controlsoftware solution enabling commercial printers to clearly identifyunacceptable color, density and dot gain variations locally orremotely via the Internet, company Intranet or Extranet

Maintenance Agreements Include:


  • All software upgrades including new features

  • Unlimited email technical support

  • Unlimited telephone phone technical support between the hoursof 8:30am and 5:00pm EST.

  • Online or telephone training support sessions

  • Remote software upgrades (ChromaQA CS Cloud Server)



Choose Version Web Price
Stand Alone - Single Seat License  $2,850.00
CS Server - 5 Annual Licenses  $11,875.00
CS Server - 10 Annual Licenses  $23,275.00
CS Server - 15 Annual Licenses  $32,775.00
CS Server - 20 Annual Licenses  $41,800.00
CS Cloud Server - 5 Licenses  $14,250.00
CS Cloud Server - 10 Licenses  $26,600.00
CS Cloud Server - 15 Licenses  $37,050.00
CS Cloud Server - 20 Licenses  $45,600.00
Add Support Web Price
Maintenance Agreement  $550.00